How stupid can I be?
I'm making an animation for little contest and just now I realize I'm missing her voice.
here she is:
If you're interested, let me now and I'll send you a message with the script.
-It's a really short script.
-it's not conversation, it's sort of a narration/letter kinda thing.
-starts really happy but the mood changes quickly at the end. Smiling during the beginning and stopping at the should change the tone of your voice.
One more thing, the deadline is on the 12th... I know it's tight but even if you can't make it by then I'd still appreciate it if you send me your recording, I will still make this no matter what.
Better start PM-ing ppl soon - check the BBS, I know there's a voice actors thread there somewhere.
Best bet is to search the audio portal for female voice actors and start asking/ sending lines PDQ.
(pretty damn quick)
Thanks for the advice.
I'm pretty screwed, aren't I?